Marta Winters

Operations Manager

A faithful Texas journey.

Life for Marta Winters began as a part of a large family with Mexican roots; but she manifests what it means to be thoroughly American with the different ethnic strands of what makes this country unique. She was born and raised in the small town of McAllen, Texas. Her large family’s daily life provided her with a strong sense of identity which dared her to launch her vision to be a first-generation entrepreneur.

She moved to Dallas, Texas - the fourth largest metropolitan city in the nation. Her new surroundings allowed her to land her first job working for a nationwide health insurance company. Her 17 years in Dallas brought forth a marriage and blessed her with two daughters named Ariana and Yvette.

September 11, 2001 (also known as 9/11) changed all aspects of American life. Culture shifted and imbued a heightened level of fear. For Marta, It rejuvenated her childhood dreams to be a part of something bigger. Marta had a distinct vision of what she wanted to accomplish for her new family. She didn’t want to just live in San Antonio, she wanted to thrive! The larger city brought Marta the opportunity to work for the Bexar County District Attorney’s Office. Her work as a Word Processor was immediately noticed and she was promoted to their Civil Section Department to work directly under their transactional and litigator attorneys. The department is known to house their most elite of employees.

The story of humanity is an epic tale of action, growing stronger, walking by faith, and sharing that trust with others. So, it was a few years later when Marta and her husband decided to follow their heart to start a family business in the booming roofing industry. Their business was carefully built with family members who shared their unique vision. Their passion resulted in a lot of handshakes and various city bids which included large contract work for the San Antonio Housing Authority. The family remained in San Antonio for 14 years.

In 2017, Marta made a short visit to Houston to welcome her second grandchild. Multiple visits to Houston led to a permanent stay. The realization that life moves people where they are most needed is real. With the hope that her entrepreneurship, experience in service, insurance, governmental procedures, contracting industries and her bilingual background would bring her to the forefront when looking for a job in Houston she began working at Four-Leaf Towers.

2018 opened the door to a new career and more valuable time with family. She plans to continue encouraging her daughters and her grandchildren, Jakob and Ava. She wants to support their passions and be successful in life. She knows they too will have dreams as she did as a child. She will be able to tell them the story of how each move to a new city made her a better person. A story that involves more faith, more stamina, and a great appreciation of life itself.

In August of 2023, Four-Leaf Towers recognized her leadership skills and promoted her to serve as the Director of Housekeeping. She gladly stepped into new roles after some management restructuring was needed. Marta feels her role of serving its residents fits perfectly with her strengths.

When not working diligently at Four-Leaf Towers, Marta finds personal fulfillment by participating in a Motorcycle Ministry alongside her Husband, Arthur. The experiences in the growing ministry have kept her ready to serve others and kept her humble. Marta is always ready to find resolutions for any issue she is presented with. It is easy to consider Four-Leaf Towers as her second family. Marta is proud of her faithful Texas journey and plans to fulfill her commitment to Four-Leaf Towers by setting an example of dedication.

Marta Winters